48 research outputs found

    Tool support for reasoning in display calculi

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    We present a tool for reasoning in and about propositional sequent calculi. One aim is to support reasoning in calculi that contain a hundred rules or more, so that even relatively small pen and paper derivations become tedious and error prone. As an example, we implement the display calculus D.EAK of dynamic epistemic logic. Second, we provide embeddings of the calculus in the theorem prover Isabelle for formalising proofs about D.EAK. As a case study we show that the solution of the muddy children puzzle is derivable for any number of muddy children. Third, there is a set of meta-tools, that allows us to adapt the tool for a wide variety of user defined calculi

    Distributed Transition Systems with Tags for Privacy Analysis

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    We present a logical framework that formally models how a given private information P stored on a given database D, can get captured progressively, by an agent/adversary querying the database repeatedly.Named DLTTS (Distributed Labeled Tagged Transition System), the frame-work borrows ideas from several domains: Probabilistic Automata of Segala, Probabilistic Concurrent Systems, and Probabilistic labelled transition systems. To every node on a DLTTS is attached a tag that represents the 'current' knowledge of the adversary, acquired from the responses of the answering mechanism of the DBMS to his/her queries, at the nodes traversed earlier, along any given run; this knowledge is completed at the same node, with further relational deductions, possibly in combination with 'public' information from other databases given in advance. A 'blackbox' mechanism is also part of a DLTTS, and it is meant as an oracle; its role is to tell if the private information has been deduced by the adversary at the current node, and if so terminate the run. An additional special feature is that the blackbox also gives information on how 'close',or how 'far', the knowledge of the adversary is, from the private information P , at the current node. A metric is defined for that purpose, on the set of all 'type compatible' tuples from the given database, the data themselves being typed with the headers of the base. Despite the transition systems flavor of our framework, this metric is not 'behavioral' in the sense presented in some other works. It is exclusively database oriented,and allows to define new notions of adjacency and of -indistinguishabilty between databases, more generally than those usually based on the Hamming metric (and a restricted notion of adjacency). Examples are given all along to illustrate how our framework works. Keywords:Database, Privacy, Transition System, Probability, Distribution

    Fuzzy bi-G\"{o}del modal logic and its paraconsistent relatives

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    We present the axiomatisation of the fuzzy bi-G\"{o}del modal logic (formulated in the language containing △\triangle and treating the coimplication as a defined connective) and establish its PSpace-completeness. We also consider its paraconsistent relatives defined on fuzzy frames with two valuations e1e_1 and e2e_2 standing for the support of truth and falsity, respectively, and equipped with \emph{two fuzzy relations} R+R^+ and R−R^- used to determine supports of truth and falsity of modal formulas. We establish embeddings of these paraconsistent logics into the fuzzy bi-G\"{o}del modal logic and use them to prove their PSpace-completeness and obtain the characterisation of definable frames

    Constraint tableaux for two-dimensional fuzzy logics

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    We introduce two-dimensional logics based on \L{}ukasiewicz and G\"{o}del logics to formalize paraconsistent fuzzy reasoning. The logics are interpreted on matrices, where the common underlying structure is the bi-lattice (twisted) product of the [0,1][0,1] interval. The first (resp.\ second) coordinate encodes the positive (resp.\ negative) information one has about a statement. We propose constraint tableaux that provide a modular framework to address their completeness and complexity

    Presumptive Reasoning in a Paraconsistent Setting

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    We explore presumptive reasoning in the paraconsistent case. Specifically, we provide semantics for non-trivial reasoning with presumptive arguments with contradictory assumptions or conclusions. We adapt the case models proposed by Verheij and define the paraconsistent analogues of the three types of validity defined therein: coherent, presumptively valid, and conclusive ones. To formalise the reasoning, we define case models that use BDâ–³\mathsf{BD}\triangle, an expansion of the Belnap--Dunn logic with the Baaz Delta operator. We also show how to recover presumptive reasoning in the original, classical context from our paraconsistent version of case models. Finally, we construct a~two-layered logic over BDâ–³\mathsf{BD}\triangle and biG\mathsf{biG} (an expansion of G\"{o}del logic with a coimplication or â–³\triangle) and obtain a faithful translation of presumptive arguments into formulas